Long Island, ME
Approaching retirement Ellen wanted something simple, a small cabin on Long Island, ME. She started with a small plot of land and enough money to get the basics up; a 20’x20’ structure, plumbing and electricity, and weather tight. She’s handling the rest.
Vision · Regulation · Teamwork
No one knows their own personal needs and limitations better than the client and this was no different. Ellen had a rough floor plan idea she came to me with and we turned that into scale design drawings, worked out the details of codes, mechanical systems, and structural requirements without losing the essence of her original vision. She needed just enough to have the house weather sealed and to get her permits, the rest she is slowly finishing herself. My role in the journey was similar to many projects, to facilitate the process of turning Ellen’s ideas into serviceable design drawings that she, the town, and the builder could work from.
When planning a small home like this we think about the simplicity, living with less, building something for yourself and getting back to the basics. You want to think you can clear some land and get to work and its a frame of mind I very much relate to. The reality is modern codes and permitting apply to us whether you live in a 3,000 square foot home or 400 square foot cabin. It’s inconvenient, but with a good team this process can be a speed bump and not a derailment.
The town of Long Island is a small community which made coordinating the requirements with the permit officer and builder a breeze, everyone wanted to see Ellen’s vision become realized and worked together with that mindset.
Island Life